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HomeAppsTop 15 best weather apps and weather widgets for Android 2022

Top 15 best weather apps and weather widgets for Android 2022

Knowing the weather is something that we all need to be aware of. Smartphone weather apps and weather widgets have continuously improved over the years and are now better than ever. They perform better, provide more complete and accurate information, and the weather widgets seem nicer and more modern overall. Even if Dark Sky is no longer available for Android, you can obtain some really decent radar these days. There are plenty excellent choices, but we believe we have whittled them down to the best of the best. Here are the best weather apps and weather widgets for Android right now. If you’re looking for something a little different, here’s a list of the best weather radars for Android that is completely unique from this one.

List of 15 best weather apps and weather widgets for Android

1. 1Weather

1Weather by OneLouder Apps has been around for a long time and is not only one of the most popular but also one of the highest rated weather apps on this list. It includes conventional elements such as your daily and hourly forecast, as well as access to supplementary information. There are several weather widgets accessible as well. The design is simple and straightforward. It also supports Android Wear, weather tracking for up to 12 cities, and up to 25 languages. All of the functions are available in the free version with advertisements. You may also pay $1.99 to get the advertisements removed. The only issue we’ve ever encountered with this one is that the radar occasionally refuses to load.

2. Accuweather

Accuweather by is one of the more popular and reliable weather apps. It includes the fundamentals, such as lengthy projections, hourly forecasts, and so on. Radar, some of the best Wear OS compatibility of any weather software, and more are among the other features. It also has a MinuteCast function. It forecasts rain on a minute-by-minute basis, making it easier to organise your day. The app was redesigned in mid-2020, which caused a slew of new flaws that have yet to be addressed. However, it should improve over the next year as they smooth out the kinks. For select customers, the site also offers a subscription service. We’ll keep an eye on it and re-evaluate it when we update next to see whether it makes the cut.

3. Appy Weather

Appy Weather

Appy WEtaher is, in comparison, the newest weather app on the list. It provides a slew of functions, including the majority of those found in any weather app. Some of its most distinctive features include a far more tailored feed than others, a pleasant and trendy user interface, and hyperlocal weather. For the time being, it makes use of Dark Sky’s API, although additional solutions should be available in the near future. The subscription is reasonably priced at $3.99 per year. It has a few problems here and there, but it’s fast becoming a favourite among many.

4. Google Feed

Google Assistant isn’t your typical weather app. It may, however, display the weather. You just request the prediction from Google. You may request current weather conditions, weather warnings, and other information. Simply click on the weather card to get further information on the web. It lacks several of the features found in other weather apps, such as weather widgets and a built-in radar. It is, nevertheless, ideal for rapid inspections, quick updates, and severe weather notifications. It’s also completely free. The software is also pre-installed on the majority of Android smartphones.

5. MyRadar Weather Radar

MyRadar is a straightforward app that displays a weather radar. It includes a plethora of functions, including the ability to play animations to determine whether or not rain is on its way. The software itself is straightforward, but you may purchase additional features as in-app purchases. A hurricane tracker and other radar tools are among the extra features. This one has one of the best radars we’ve ever seen, and it’s the only one that even comes close to Dark Sky’s. However, it works best when combined with another weather app so that you can get the standard weather features as well.

6. NOAA Weather

NOAA Weather Unofficial is an app that gets its information from the NOAA and the National Weather Service. You can get the most recent weather predictions, hourly conditions, radar, and other information. You can track many cities at the same time, and there are weather widgets to select from. The app’s sole drawback is that it does not handle severe weather notifications. You can verify those in the app, but that’s all there is to it. There are two versions: free and paid. We recommend starting with the free one.

7. Overdrop

Overdrop is one of the more recent weather apps on the list. It has a sleek design that is primarily simple yet flamboyant enough to be entertaining. The app also includes real-time weather data, a 24-hour forecast, a seven-day prediction, severe weather warnings, six themes, a variety of widgets, and other features. Until the API shuts, you may also select from AccuWeather, WeatherBit, and even Dark Sky. It’s undeniably one of the best ones.

8. Storm Radar by The Weather Channel

Storm Radar differs from other weather apps in a few ways. It functions similarly. It does, however, place a greater emphasis on extreme weather events such as tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, and other meteorological acts of God. The weather radar contains 20 layers, allowing for a great deal of customisation. You receive a lot of extras, such as predictions, current temps, and so on. The irony is that this is from The Weather Channel, and we believe it is superior to the traditional Weather Channel app. If you’re interested, it’s absolutely free with advertisements.

9. Today Weather

In 2017, Today Weather was a nice surprise. It’s a simple, functional, and fast weather app with more than enough capabilities for the majority of users. Weather predictions, humidity, actual temperature versus real feel, severe weather warnings, weather widgets, and other important information such as air quality index, moon cycles, and sunrise/sunset times are all included in the app. The radar is also one of the most beautiful we’ve seen. The programme is free to download and use, but optional in-app purchases are available.

10. WeatherBug

WeatherBug is one of the most established weather apps. It has everything you’d expect from a weather app. Weather predictions, temperature, radar, weather warnings, and other information are included. It also has 18 distinct weather maps, a lightning alarm system, traffic conditions, and other useful features. Weather widgets are available, but they require a separate download. It’s a really robust, consistent weather app with more than enough capabilities for the majority of users. The developers do an excellent job of keeping the UI at least somewhat current. Most folks will be satisfied with the free version.

11. The Weather Channel

Weather Channel is arguably one of the most well-known weather apps available. Fortunately, it covers all of the fundamentals. This covers the current temperature, projections for the future, severe weather alerts, radar, and other information. It also contains breaking news, lightning warnings, and pollen warnings. There are a number of widgets, as well as a different tablet UI and other features. It makes no compromises. Having said that, with all of these capabilities, The Weather Channel app is one of the largest on the list and is not a good choice for minimalists. Otherwise, it’s completely usable.

12. What The Forecast?!!

What The Forecast is one of the most recent weather apps. You’ve most likely seen screenshots of this app on social media. The app provides you with amusing quips that characterise the weather outdoors. It has over 6600 phrases and an optional profanity level. The programme also offers a seven-day forecast, AerisWeather integration, current temperature, the genuine feel, and other features. This is a fun weather app for individuals looking for something basic but still interesting. The profanity setting isn’t for everyone, but you already knew that.

13. Yahoo Weather

Yahoo’s weather app is, without a doubt, their best app. It has a gorgeous design, important weather information, weather warnings, a radar, and other features. Up to 20 cities can be tracked via the app. It displays stunning photos from sites such as Flickr. But that’s about all it does. It provides basic weather information while still being visually appealing. That’s OK if that’s all you require. Those looking for something more serious, on the other hand, may need to search elsewhere. Yahoo Weather is available for free with no in-app purchases. It does, however, include advertisements.

14. YoWindow Weather

YoWindow Weather is one of the most unusual weather apps. It’s pretty eye-catching. You can view the weather at any time of day by swiping your finger across the UI. It also covers the fundamentals quite effectively. It isn’t as strong as some other weather apps. However, there are certain advantages to simplicity. This is a wonderful weather app for individuals that want something basic but visually appealing. You may test out the most of the features for free by downloading the app. The premium edition is $2.99. It’s an affordable price for what you receive.

15. Weather Underground

When IBM purchased Weather Underground a few years ago, the firm experienced significant adjustments. It gets the fundamentals right, such as the present prediction, a weather radar, the future forecast, and so on. The app enhances the experience by including a measure for air quality, dawn and sunset times, hurricane monitoring, and weather info. Furthermore, the radar is very configurable, with a plethora of layers. The price is quite a bit more than it used to be, and we understand if that price is too costly for you, but the free version operates the same way with advertisements, so choosing the free version isn’t too difficult.


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