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How To Fix HP Monitor Not Detecting HDMI Problem?

HP Monitor Not Detecting HDMI

Have you connected your HP monitor through HDMI, and the monitor is not detecting the cable? To solve this issue, keep reading this guide! No signal detected, No input signal, or “No input signal detected” errors may appear on your HP monitor when it doesn’t detect the HDMI cable. Any of the three errors listed above show on the display of many users experiencing this issue. By fixing a weak cable, the error is typically quickly fixed. But this only sometimes works. The “HP Monitor Not Detecting HDMI” issue is explained in this guide.

How To Fix HP Monitor Not Detecting HDMI Problem?

Fix a loose input and check both ends of the HDMI cable for any damage if your HP monitor is not detecting anything through the HDMI link. Look at your monitor’s power cable. Many users found that switching the HDMI cable ends worked better. Restarting the cable link, changing the input source, updating the GPU drivers, and factory restarting your HP monitor can all help solve the issue.

Reset HDMI Cable Connection

Switch Input Source

Check & Swap Ends Of The HDMI Cable

Check both ends of the HDMI cable and make sure your monitor’s power cable is not broken. In that case, the monitor won’t get enough power to work right, and you must replace the broken cable. Try swapping the HDMI cable’s ends. Many users have found it useful.

Update Graphics Drivers

Factory Reset HP Monitor

Final Words:

The HDMI cable should now be fixed, and the monitor should detect the HDMI issue. Thank you for reading this guide on how to fix HP Monitor Not Detecting HDMI. Let us know how this guide works for you! Thank you.

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