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Top 7 Tips for Creating Clean Code In 2024

Best Tips for Creating Clean Code will be discussed in this article. If you are an experienced programmer you know the value of creating clean code. The essential skill a software developer possesses is how to produce clean code. If you are proficient in this skill you can produce a program that is easy to read, write and debug.

Top 7 Tips for Creating Clean Code In 2024

In this article you can know about Tips for Creating Clean Code here are the details below;

In the development stage, nobody wants to continue a project that has messy code because it became a nightmare for them. And sometimes due to deadline pressure, programmers cannot write clean code because of this rush they end up going slower. According to Robert C. Martin-Clean Code, the ratio of time spent & the writing versus reading code is well over 10 to 1.

Without a doubt, this job is tough. Software engineering is not about learning a language and building some software. Even bad code can function but if the code isn’t clean, it’ll bring the development organization to its knees. Due to this, every year developers waste their precious hours and significant resources because of poorly written code.  So as software developers, it was expected from them to write clean codes for the project.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or experienced, you are responsible for quality code and making your program good enough that other developers can understand your code. So if you want to know how to write clean code read this entire blog.

In this blog, we shall be discussing the importance of clean code and the 7 tips for creating clean code. So without wasting further time let’s dive right into it.

What does a clean code look like?

What does a clean code look like

When we talk about clean programming code, the first name came up is Robert C. Martin that believes in writing clean code from the start because there is always less time to fix it later.

“Clean code is not written following a set of the rules. You don’t become a software craftsman by the learning a list of heuristics. Professionalism and craftsmanship come from values that drive disciplines.”― Robert C. Martin,

So before we dive into how to write clean codes let’s discuss the characteristics of clean code:

  1. Easy to read. If someone is reading code they should have a feeling reading poetry.
  2. Easy to debug. It should follow single responsibility principle (SRP)
  3. Efficient and high performing. It should run all the tests.

Now we have discussed clean code characteristics, further, we will discuss the benefits of clean code.

Why write clean code?

There are so many benefits of writing clean code some of them mentioned below.

Once you start thinking about clean coding your problem-solving approach automatically changes.

When you write clean code it’s easier to read and understand, so you spend less time figuring out time on fixing, revising, and extending.

If you work with a team of programmers, creating clean code will reduce the misunderstanding between all of you. This means less encountering of bugs in long run.

In the next section, we shall be discussing seven tips that help you in creating clean code.

7 tips for writing clean code

7 tips for writing clean code

In the above section, we have discussed the benefits of clean codes. Here we are going to talk about 7 tips by which you can easily write code clean.

1) Meaningful names

Start with meaningful names that make code self-documenting. It should be simple, consistent and explain the purpose. Moreover, having a simple name make it understandable for everyone so it should explain the purpose.

2) Single responsibility principle ( SRP)

This principle means that every function has a single responsibility.  So make sure you make small classes and functions that made code easier to test and read. Plus, if your piece of code is small, it’s easy to debug and source. Also check Fintech Apps

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3) Functions

Just keep the functions as short as possible; the ideal length of a function is up to 15 lines. Moreover, a function argument shouldn’t be more than two or three. We should try to limit the function to a single task to keep the code clean and not repeat the code by asking ourselves a question that has been similarly written before. This will help you in writing clean code.

4) Delete unnecessary code

The bad habit programmers struggle with from time to time is for fixing and optimizing chunks of code they rewrite just below it. And if it works, they keep the code just there over time it clutters up your source files. Moreover, make sure you avoid writing repetitive code, which you can accomplish easily with a web framework. We recommend you to read clean code by Robert C. Martin this book will help you in creating clean code.

5) Keep a consistent coding style

All we want to say here is that don’t end up picking a wide variety of conflicting habits. We are not debating over which style works better we just want you to stay consistent with whatever style you choose. And if you mix tabs and spaces don’t do that, just decide what you are going to do and stick with it. Also check Car Maintenance App

6) Error handling and logs

Just make sure when you find an error you detect the root cause and location of the error. Moreover, logs are the best source for debugging the code and monitoring the program. We recommend you always work with two tools one for critical logs like crashes and errors in production. The other will contain all the logs of the program which track all the errors in addition to the users’ move to improve the experience from version to version.

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7) Comments

Lastly, if you have to add comments to explain your code, this means your code is bad you need to work on it and create new methods. We recommend you avoid commenting this will help you in creating clean code, comment only if it’s legally required to explain why you have written poor code.

Wrapping Up

If you follow these 7 tips every time you write code, you will become a better programmer and talented coder. If you want to know more about writing clean code we recommend you to read clean code by Robert C. Martin.


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